Dungeon Takeover!

Dungeon Takeover!

What’s this? A call for adventurers to take over the legendary Dragonspear Castle? The Greasy Snitches are looking for intrepid adventurers willing to help them secure their new base! Join us for a two-day journey at Robinsons Galleria for an adventure of EPIC proportions at Fantastic Faire in the Dungeon! Prepare to embark on the…

Snitchfest at Robinsons Galleria

Snitchfest at Robinsons Galleria

Last April 20-21, more than 100 adventurers found out who really was behind Elminster’s urgent call for help during the Snitchfest, the Greasy Snitches’ Dungeons & Dragons Adventurers League event last weekend at Robinsons Galleria Co-Events Space. The weekend-long premiere event was a historic moment for the international D&D Adventurers League community. As the first…